RapidStudio 702 Walk the Talk 2015

In 2014 RapidStudio started the tradition of coming together as a company and entering the annual 702 Walk the Talk.

At first I think many people felt daunted by the task of huffing and puffing for 8km’s with the people you are stuck in a building with for most of your week but we we’re surprised to find that (almost) everyone came out in numbers in support of the event and even brought along their children and family members, and this year’s event was no different!

The morning started out in typical winter fashion with everyone moaning and groaning that they could no longer feel their fingers, but as our team started making their way to the 8km starting line, all dressed in yellow, the excitement welling up and soon, melted away this harsh Joburg winter morning.

As we waited at the starting line the crowd of over 20 000 strong was entertained by musicians, 702 presenters and even treated to a fly-over of 2 helicopters and an air plane piloted by members of the SAPS. With only a few minutes to go the crowd grew silent before a humbled buzz of the crowd singing the national anthem started echoing throughout the streets and then, the countdown started

The RapidStudio group slowly started making its way through the streets of Joburg but as the walk progressed we all slowly started drifting into smaller groups (separating the slow from the fast I guess lol) but non the less the streets were filled, from start to finish, with refreshments for both walkers and their furry companions, as well as some musical entertainment to spur on the massive crowd. 

For me however it was the sights and sounds of thousands of people walking together for a good cause that made the 8km walk feel like a breeze and in no time at all we all found each other at the finish line feeling a great sense of accomplishment and pride.

As far as company traditions go the 702 Walk the Talk has become my personal favourite and I’m already super excited for the next one 


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