
Showing posts from April, 2017

Earth Day - Supporting Our Future

This year’s Earth Day is all about Environmental and Climate Literacy. As custodians of this amazing planet we all need to learn how our actions can help or hinder the environment. Here’s a few of the things we do to reduce our footprint…You can too! RapidStudio's Solar Array Recycle RapidStudio sorts waste before collection . We learned it improves recycling so made a special sorting area in 2014. We can all learn and improve to help the environment. Rainwater Using rainwater tanks not only saves money, it saves the environment too! We collect water from a quarter of our roof and will collect even more next year. Small steps make a big impact. We can’t wait to see how much we’ve saved! Energy RapidStudio generates 1/3 of our power through renewable energy . We’ve made enough to power 10 small homes for 4 years! That’s the same as running the ICE-3 high speed train for 3200km. Impressive! You can also save money and power by switching to low energy lighting. We made

Mobile Photography Tips From the Pros - Part 1

Love The One You're With This two part series is packed with pro tips from South Africa’s talented professionals and outstanding instagrammers who use mobile cameras in a pinch with outstanding results. A famous saying among photographers is that the best camera is the one you have with you. That mobile phone you have in your hand is a powerful tool for capturing and sharing magic moments. You don’t need a pro camera to capture brilliant shots. A mobile may land you those quick creative shots you’d miss if you went running for another camera.  We’ve got proof! Alexander Smith GRACE & PEACE Instagram: Alexandersmithphoto Web: Hidden Light Revealed Hidden Light Revealed I noticed the steam from my shower revealing the morning shafts of light through the blinds. A fleeting moment captured with the camera closest to me... my iPhone. Pro Tip: I used Instagram to add a filter and share it. Tools:  iPhone and Instagr