RapidStudio's #RAK15 small act of kindness - change a life

When the RapidStudio team decided to participate in a random act of kindness I was called on to participate. I must admit my mind was not in the right place and I did not feel like putting myself out. I was comfortable in my little bubble in the office and didn't really want to get involved.

RapidStudio's #RAK15. 

One of our team members told us that there was a day care centre for mentally and physically handicapped people. We decided that it would be nice if all of us went to the facility to do a Paint By Shadow painting with the disabled patients and the staff. We felt like this would be something each patient would enjoy and be proud of. 

The day visitors and volunteers with their finished creation.

I remember how shocked I was when we arrived. I’d envisioned a well established facility, but this place was a hot, stuffy, two-room brick building with a modest tin roof. When we entered the facility, my heart broke. Of the usual fifteen patients that were normally there, only five were present. When our staff asked what happened to everyone else, we were told that their families couldn't afford the taxi fare after the holidays. A few patients were drawing on paper with pencils. A blind elderly gentleman was moving pegs from one string to another, and two ladies were knitting and embroidering a cloth. Some were lying on the floor.

The small building with the portable out-house

After introductions were made with the staff and patients, we began painting. To the patients’ excitement, we decided to go outside and paint in a shady, cool spot. A man in his wheelchair (which had flat tires) was placed in the centre and, with his one remaining hand, began to paint. Julie, who makes the canvases, held the blind man’s hand to guide him as he painted. He later told Julie that although he couldn’t see anything, he enjoyed getting out and doing something rather than staying inside doing nothing.

Julie helping the blind man paint -  I overheard him say "I can feel the paint getting dry on the brush".

Almost done paining

The small slice of shade behind the building where we painted. The window is missing several panes of glass.

Vincent mounted the art to the wall, running a power extension to a neighbour since this facility has no electricity (or water, for that matter). Right now, the centre gets what they need from the community. They cook for 15 people daily on a paraffin one plate stove on the floor. 

Vincent hanging the canvas
I'm so glad to have participated, and we have so many plans to try and work with the centre and help improve the conditions these kind volunteers and their patients live in every day.

The centre needs a sign, so we’ve nominated Grafix Cnr. We can’t wait to see what they create. You can view our video to see who else was nominated. We also challenge you, the community and our customers, to give back with one random act of kindness. You can learn more about the Random Act of Kindness campaign by contacting us today.

This is the small paraffin stove that the ladies cook for the 15 day visitors on.

Lunch being cooked

We quickly dashed out to buy some snacks to supplement their lunch and brighten the day a little more.


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