How to Prepare for the Black Friday Shopping Frenzy
Whatever you’ve done to research and prepare for Black Friday, you should put a plan in place to handle the sheer craziness you will encounter on the big day. Here are the most important things you need to do to be prepared: Make a Wish List: You can’t be a casual shopper on Black Friday. Draw up a list of all the things you want and devise a plan to get them. This applies whether you’re visiting any actual stores or just shopping online. Research Your Favourite Retailers: Sign up to newsletters, check your favourite websites every day and keep track of all pending Black Friday deals as they come up. Download the App: The best way to keep up with Black Friday deals is to download the apps released by all your favourite retailers. They often use these to tell customers about deals and, sometimes, even offer you ways to reserve your items early. Plan Your Day: Don’t shop alone! It’s best to get your family and friends involved and devise cl...